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| | An-Namal | Pre Ayat ← 14 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 1. Reference to Moses History | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:They rejected those Signs out of sheer injustice and vanity, whereas in their heart of hearts they were convinced.17 See, then, what fate those mischief-makers met.
Translit: Wajahadoo biha waistayqanatha anfusuhum thulman waAAuluwwan faonthur kayfa kana AAaqibatu almufsideena
0 wajahadooWajahaduw
1 bihabiha
2 waistayqanathaistayqanat
3 anfusuhumanfusuhum
4 thulmanthulman
5 waAAuluwwan`uluww
6 faonthurfaonthur
7 kayfa | كَيْفَ | how? how...! |interrogative and exclamatory particle| Combined Particles kayfa
8 kana كَانَا | were Kana Perfectkana
9 AAaqibatu`aqibatu
10 almufsideenaalmufsidiyna